Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I hire a sleep consultant?

All babies and children are individuals and so hiring a sleep consultant means you get a bespoke plan based on your child's needs. If you hit any roadblocks on the way, a sleep consultant can help guide you and tailor the approach further if need be. Hiring a sleep consultant means you can have a trusted professional do the thinking for you and all you need to do is action the advice.

Does your program involve any crying?

If you have reached out to me for help, it is safe to assume that there are some changes you would like to make to your child's bed time and nap routines. Crying is your child's way of communicating their frustration at these changes and it is safe to expect some during the program. I am however not an advocate for the "Cry It Out" method and would not ask you to leave your child alone to cry for extended periods.

My baby is teething, is now the right time to start working on their sleep or should I wait?

All babies react differently to teething - some will sleep right through whilst others may wake during episodes of chronic teething. As important as it is to sympathetic as parents, it is also crucial that your baby is getting enough sleep. If you waited for all of your child’s teeth to pop through before addressing sleep, you could be waiting over two years so I would say that YES, you can absolutely work on your baby’s sleep even if they are teething. The good news is that most independent sleepers tend to be less affected by teething during sleep.

At what age can I start working on my child's sleep?

In my opinion it is never too early to start working on healthy sleep habits. I have sleep programs designed from 3months old all the way up to school aged children and although the methodology will vary according to the child's age, the end goal remains the same - to help your child form a healthy relationship with sleep. 

My child is going through sleep regression. Should I hold off on working with you?

Not at all! Apart from the 4 month sleep regression, most other regressions are down to developmental milestones, travel or sickness. If your child is a strong, independent sleeper, their sleep is less likely to be affected by any of these circumstances - in fact, they most probably need more sleep as their body is going through significant changes. I can help you work through these regressions and empower you with strategies to use should you see further regressions down the line.

How long does it take to see results?

The road to independent sleep skills takes time which is why my programs last a minimum of 2 weeks and I take the time out to understand what your goals are for your child’s sleep. All children are different and some take to the program quicker than others. If you stay consistent and stick to the guidance I offer, you should start positive seeing changes in as a little as a few days.

I don’t live nearby, can you still help me?

Of course, the beauty of modern technology allows us to carry out consultations over video call and I stay in touch with you via WhatsApp and phone calls. I will be by your side for the duration of the entire program.